Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Taco Bell Rolled Chicken Tacos

I recently heard that Taco Bell brought back This item for a limited time, and last Wednesday I decided to try it out. I thought it was kinda good. I bet It consists of chicken, on a torillia that's been rolled up. It also comes with a dipping sauce of your choice, with nacho cheese as they main one. If you wanna try it out, then hurry and rush out to Taco Bell and get before it leaves the menu again! 'Cause this item won't be on it for long!

Final Grade:


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Wendy's Chicken Sandwich

    Last Saturday, I went to Wendy's for lunch and had their chicken sandwich. It's a pretty good item that consists of: chicken, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise all on a bun. Again, it's a pretty good item, and I encourage you all to try it out next time you go to Wendy's!

Final Grade:


Mcdonalds apple pie

Today, I went to McDonald's for lunch, and forgot to take pictures of my Double Quarter pounder with...