Monday, September 30, 2019

Sonic Garlic Butter Bacon Burger

     This latest, delicious addition to the Sonic menu consists of Garlic, Bacon, Butter, and of course all the usual ingredients a cheeseburger needs. When I first opened that wrapper, do you know what I smelled? THE GARLIC! And When I took that first bite, oh boy, Isn't this burger good (for your taste buds)? This burger is unbelievably good! So, I suggest that you try this burger out next time you go to sonic!

Final Grade:

Friday, September 13, 2019

Taco Bell Strawberry Skittles Freeze

      The Other day I went to Taco bell for a early dinner, and I wanted to try their new Cherry Sunset freeze, but unfortunately their machine used for that wasn't working so I decided to try this treat: Strawberry Skittles Freeze. And, It was a surprisingly good item. The Taste of the skittles in it was very strong, it was nice and cold, and I think it's delicious treat to have on a hot day! So, on your next taco Tuesday, slide over to Taco Bell and give this item a try! And maybe try out their new Cherry Sunset Freeze too! I know I will next time! hopefully.

Final Grade:

Friday, September 6, 2019

Taco Bell Mild Tortilla Chips

     Okay, so I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and I saw this item sitting on the shelves, And I've been wanting to try this for a while. So I bought this item, and tried it out. It doesn't taste very bad, just not quite like the mild sauce they have at Taco Bell. Surprisingly, the bag is fairly small. When I first heard about it, I thought it was gonna be the same size as a standard bag of chips. Like I said, It's not bad item.

Final Grade:

Mcdonalds apple pie

Today, I went to McDonald's for lunch, and forgot to take pictures of my Double Quarter pounder with...